تحميل باتش VIRTUARED V1.0 لبيس PES 2021 بمميزات أسطووورية
- Download the 14 parts of the Patch, via Direct Download or Torrent. Unzip the parts, preferably with WinRAR.
- Execute VirtuaRED.com Patch 2021 v1.exe installer. Make sure that the correct eFootball PES 2021 folder is selected.
- Download the 13 parts of the Stadiums, via Direct Download or Torrent. Unzip de parts, preferably with WinRAR.
- Move the folder stadium-server to your content folder (normally in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2021\content") - do not overwrite files, please delete your previous stadium-server folder.
- Download the Edit and unzip it, preferably with WinRAR.
- Move the files EDIT00000000 to the default PES 2021 save folder (normally in "C:\Users\{USER}\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021\{NUMBER}\save"), replacing the current one.
- Download the Sider.ini and move it to the root of your eFootball PES 2021 folder, replacing the existing one.
- Execute the shortcut VirtuaRED.com Patch 2021 v1 created in your desktop. It will run the game + sider.
- Enjoy!
التحميل :
Patch (35,5 Gb
- http://trinddz.com/kTPok6Sk
- http://trinddz.com/6Rn531w
- http://trinddz.com/TqWc
- http://trinddz.com/trzkvoy
- http://trinddz.com/hsJO1
- http://trinddz.com/A8X3Sl
- https://apk.miuiku.com/Go1bL
- https://tmearn.com/YwEr2
- https://dz-linkk.com/3XZIPND8
- https://dz-linkk.com/XdClBV8J
- https://gurl.pw/kZo3
- https://gurl.pw/kZo4
- https://bit-url.com/esBaORih
- https://apk.miuiku.com/xj61
Edit (10,5 Mb
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