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السبت، 19 ديسمبر 2020

تحميل باتش VIRTUARED V1.0 لبيس PES 2021 بمميزات أسطووورية

شارك الموضوع :

 تحميل باتش VIRTUARED V1.0 لبيس PES 2021 بمميزات أسطووورية

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen


  1. Download the 14 parts of the Patch, via Direct Download or Torrent. Unzip the parts, preferably with WinRAR.
  2. Execute VirtuaRED.com Patch 2021 v1.exe installer. Make sure that the correct eFootball PES 2021 folder is selected.
  3. Download the 13 parts of the Stadiums, via Direct Download or Torrent. Unzip de parts, preferably with WinRAR.
  4. Move the folder stadium-server to your content folder (normally in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2021\content") - do not overwrite files, please delete your previous stadium-server folder.
  5. Download the Edit and unzip it, preferably with WinRAR.
  6. Move the files EDIT00000000 to the default PES 2021 save folder (normally in "C:\Users\{USER}\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021\{NUMBER}\save"), replacing the current one.
  7. Download the Sider.ini and move it to the root of your eFootball PES 2021 folder, replacing the existing one.
  8. Execute the shortcut VirtuaRED.com Patch 2021 v1 created in your desktop. It will run the game + sider.
  9. Enjoy!

التحميل :

Patch (35,5 Gb

  1. http://trinddz.com/kTPok6Sk
  2. http://trinddz.com/6Rn531w
  3. http://trinddz.com/TqWc
  4. http://trinddz.com/trzkvoy
  5. http://trinddz.com/hsJO1
  6. http://trinddz.com/A8X3Sl
  7. https://apk.miuiku.com/Go1bL
  8. https://tmearn.com/YwEr2
  9. https://dz-linkk.com/3XZIPND8
  10. https://dz-linkk.com/XdClBV8J
  11. https://gurl.pw/kZo3
  12. https://gurl.pw/kZo4
  13. https://bit-url.com/esBaORih
  14. https://apk.miuiku.com/xj61

Edit (10,5 Mb




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